can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Monday, July 03, 2006

Dear Diary,
I went shopping with the sister today and downtown robbed me blind. I am completely powerless in the situation. Put a girl in a summercamp for a few weeks and she will come home and want to go to Nordstroms.
I have a car! on a trial basis. A 1987 Ford Bronco II. Stick shift, peeling paint, full of manly brawn in a compact SUV. That is why it is the perfect car for me. I am testing it out for a little while, it belongs to my uncle in Olympia. I'm going to take it to camp, see how it fares. Then maybe I'll join some sort of Oregon offroading club and find myself a husband who shares my love for compact SUVs with manyly brawn.


At 6:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holla! Diana`s got a ride and clothes to match. Except they don`t. The ride`s a Bronco and the clothes are all Filly. Or something.

Can your brother say that? Hey, I made it across the border in the jungle. It was easy. 8 days on the Amazon and now I am in Colombia. More to come in an email.

At 11:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my gawd I'm glad that boy is out of the Amazon and into safer territory. Well, it's all relative.

Keep it coming, Diana.

Did you get the fireworks debris out of your hair yet? I suppose now I understand the true disadvantages of some "front row seats"....



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