can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Thursday, September 02, 2004

dear blog,
i am at college. is it a very challeging experience so far. it is hard to make friends and more hard to be away from the old ones. if anyone knows me and wants to e-mail me my NEW address is i check this about 200 times daily. what i like about college is that you get TONS of choices for every meal. what I don't like is that there is lines for all of the good things, so i just end up getting whatever there is no line for, and not being very satisfied with it. for instance, today i got split pea soup and salad but i really wanted pizza and macaroni and cheese. i also don't like doing all of everything online. in college EVERYTHING is online. like homework and other stuff... and in college classes are every other day! instead of everyday! except spanish. that's every dang day and has the most online crap of any class! Oye Ve!


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