Dear Diary,
Time to get back on the blogging saddle. My dad wouldn't have wanted it any other way. He was after all,'s biggest fan.
Today the brother and the sister and the mom and I went to LaConner, Washington hoping to find some agritainment on the way, and a good lunch once we got there. agri-tainment, you know, like hayrides and pumpkin patches and corn mazes and barnraisings and stuff. we found a little of that and we also found this huge field filled with thousands of snow geese. The birds migrate to the same place every year, so they made their spot a special bird park. trying to farm where there are a bazillion birds trying to socialize is apparently fruitless. we sat on this fence surrounding the thousands of birds, and there was a whole bunch of cucumbers lying in the grass, so of course since i am 9 years old i threw the cucumbers at the birds. and my mom yelled at me. but it was worth it. seemed to be the only logical thing to do with the half rotten cucumbers. next best thing to hopping the fence and running through the bird field. I bet there's a fine for that. Otherwise people would have been doing it. but i bet running through the bird field seems like a good idea until you realize exactly how much bird shit you are saturating your shoes in.
I'm not gonna lie, I've been checking your website religiously waiting for your comeback. I'm glad you are carrying on because when I think of your website, I think of your dad. I remember when I was first introduced to you told me about how your dad set it up and how he was so excited about it and I thought it was adorable. I remember thinking to myself, "What a cool dad. My dad doesn't even know how to use a cell phone..." Thanks for keeping me and all of the other loyal readers smiliing. I love you Shmu!
diana you rock my world.
-secret admirer
Me three.
-Redlands, over and out.
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