can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Monday, April 02, 2007

Dear Diary,
I just got back from Edinburgh. It was lovely. Lovely weather, great city. The whole group stayed at a really funky hostel. The highlight was when we went on a tour bus around the city, and it stopped at this huge cliff/mountain. The three girls I was with and I all scampered off the bus so we could scamper up the hill and look off the cliff. We were so high up, and the sky was so clear, we could look across the city and see the castle perched on another cliff. Terrific. We all were just so thrilled to have climbed to the top of something awesome, and experienced a bit of natures majesty for once. It's not like in Portland I go hiking and spelunking every weekend, but I think that just being near trees and things changes how I feel. Here we all feel so starved for the outdoors.
Yesterday I played pool against this italian guy and this mexican/british guy and I had the best luck ever, everyone thought i was really good at pool. Except for the part where i hit the other teams ball in and thought it was mine. I think I am just going to do embarrassing things for the rest of my life and I need to get over it.


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