can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Monday, February 26, 2007

Dear Diary,
Today I went to spinning class at fitness first. It was hard, it's always hard. The fact that it's once a week gives me enough time to forget about the pain by the time the next week's class rolls around. Afterwards I was relaxing in the sauna, and this other girl and I started talking. We really hit it off. I was so jazzed to make a friend who was actually British and a girl. I have never made a friend while I was half naked before either. She's a banker. Everyone is a banker in this town. Actually, that's not true. The other day we were at our favorite bar/club/restaurant "tiger tiger" and we met this guy who was a cadiothorasic (sp?) surgeon. I couldn't believe it. It took all of my willpower to not be like- "OMG- you mean like Dr. Burke on Grey's Anatomy!? That's like, my favorite show ever." PS, America, no more Grey's anatomy until March 15 or something upsetting like that.


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