can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Dear Diarz,
I am in munich, germanz. thez z is in the place of the y on this funnz kezboard, but i think it adds character to mz post. we just took the night train in from amsterdam. we saw hookers in windows and people were smoking weed everzwhere. it reallz was a unique place, that's for sure. mz favorite part was walking around the red light district and having random men come up to us and trz and save our souls, telling us not to become hookers, we seem like such nice girls. thanks for the tip, creepo.
After two full dazs here, we are going to freiburg, germanz. for one reason and one reason onlz. and i think zou can guess. i'm going back to the homeland. I've been talking about how it's funnz that americans come to europe to see the indigenous white people, but these are mz people. the original freeburgs. i'll let zou know how it goes,


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