Dear Diary,
I am so sad I don't have my snowboard with me. Or maybe grateful. The snowboard club trucked in a bunch of snow this afternoon and set up ramps and jumps on this lawn. It's amazing what they spend money on at this school! I would be tempted to try some jumps or something IF i had my snowboard, but I would probably fall and die.
College bowl went well. My team was made up of four interesting guys and me. One of them had pretty intense sideburns, and claimed to be a pro at six degrees of kevin bacon. another was wearing a ridiculous tracksuit from the 80's and knew medival history. beforehand they were all trying to figure out what each of our "fortes" were, and I was like, "ummm, coach purses?" they didn't get it. but I proved to be an asset to the team when I got two questions that no one had any idea on. I knew a science fiction question of all things. (thank you ms. lavelle) I also knew a question about BMW history. Amazing. go me!
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