Dear Diary,
I just have one thing to say to those individuals who decide to tell me that my website is lame. No one made you read it! You are the dork who is reading about my life voluntarily! Find something else to complain about that isn't my only hobby.
I witnessed the most horrifying spectacle at Nordstroms today. It was sort of crowded, and this little old asian woman was looking at mens pants (it was probably her little old asian husbands 68th birthday or something) There was this guy standing next to her, and she must have gotten too close or something, because he was like "EXCUSE ME! I was looking at these!!" She looks at him with this scared look on her face, and then the guy is like "Haven't you ever heard of MANNERS??!!!" Sarah #2 and i couldn't believe it. I think everyone in the store knew who hadn't heard of manners. I should have punched him or something. Taught him a lesson. How can people be so mean?
Last night i had the most fun possible in a restaraunt. #2 and I went to "Sushi go round" where you sit a table, and all the food comes by on a conveyor belt that snakes around the entire room. The plates are really little and color coded, each color is a different price. The most expensive one is like 3 dollars. You eat one little plate, then get another, then get another, and since you only get one at time, it is sort of impossible to order too much. It's a brilliant idea. It's faster than fast food, but it's not fast food.... amazing.
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