can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Monday, March 13, 2006

Dear Diary,
I spend an ungodly amount of time on craigslist looking for cars. I see a lot of idiots trying to sell their 1989 accords for 6 grand or whatever, but today i saw the moron who takes the cake. The header to this particular post was: "Wanted: luxury car at trade in value" The person went on to explain that it "would mean a lot to me" if someone were to sell them their "nice luxury car" at the price that a dealer would give them for it for a trade-in. Are they a complete moron? Like I'm going to be like, Sure! I've got this M3 in my driveway that I'll give you for, oh lets say 3000$. Haven't they ever heard that beggars can't be choosers? This is really infuriating to me. The other day there was a post that said "I'm a single mom who is in a ton of debt and needs a cheap and reliable car. The brands I like are BMW, Acura, Lexus, Mercedes, Audi...."
If I was looking for selfish morons I'd be watching Jerry Springer.


At 10:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

man, you crack me up. good reference to good ol' jerry. do you remember when he was sooooooo cool? good luck with the car search. i reccomend a saab. something with fine swedish engineering.

At 1:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I am, like, living on a beach in Brazil. I drink beer all the time. But I sort of need a motorcylec, to, like, go with my beer, you know. Anyway, since I am kicking it all the time, I don't really feel like getting a job. Cause jobs are lame, and stuff. So, you know, could you like send me some money to buy a motorcycle. That would be really cool. Cause it would totally make my walk to the beach like five minutes shorter. And shit.


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