can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Monday, January 01, 2007

Dear Diary,
So I may have neglected the website. But do not worry, faithful readership. I will be in London soon and will have lots of exciting things to post about. I am already a little bit sick of talking about London and I haven't even gotten there yet. I think it's just what people want to talk to college students about. Just like senior year of highschool when all that any adult you know wants to talk about is where you are going to college.
I am in San Francisco right now, making Rafi do all sorts of dorky tourist things with me. We walked across the golden gate bridge, I loved every second of it but Rafi kept bitching about the tourists and the noise from the freeway. And of course we had to spend quite a while talking about all of the suicides that happen off of the bridge every year. There is even a phone on the bridge that you can use to call a crisis counselor 24/7. We passed this guy just sitting up against a pole all alone and looking in the water and raf and I both admitted to having the same thought as we passed him: "don't do it, man!!" Apparently a lot of people jump off the bridge every year, so many that they are considering putting up nets. a major eyesore, BUT. people are killing themselves. people who would have otherwise just killed themselves some other way probably.
I only have 3 and a half more days in San Francisco and I have a lot of ground to cover. Make some rice a roni, have sourdough bread bowl, befriend Robin Willams, et cetera.


At 3:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm really happy that you updated. did you know that the impressionist painter Monet tried to commit suicide off a bridge but was such a good swimmer that he couldn't drown?


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