Dear Diary,
I noticed that the last time I posted was well before my very exciting and much anticipated graduation from COLLEGE! It is only slightly more difficult to muster the enthusiasm two weeks after the event. Well let's see what has happened since then. I went to the McMenimans Edgefield for an amazing post-grad 3 day party and had HELLA fun. I would recommend the Edgefield to anyone who wants to have an amazing time in a place with wonderful atmosphere and history, and the most incredible outdoor soaking pool ever. And only 50 dollars a night, fluffy white robe included! Seriously though, golf, beer, arnold palmers with friends, couldn't ask for more.
Then I went to Seattle and that was good. Here's what I learned in Seattle. You may think your teeth aren't as white as they used to be and you need to get some sort of expensive whitening product. Here's the truth though, get your teeth CLEANED at the DENTIST, (especially if it's been over two years since last time) and your teeth will look better than ever and you never had to look vain by buying whitening products. It was incredible. The lady just straight up chipped the discoloration off my teeth. But that is boring and gross. Moving on.
Now I am in San Francisco again, living in the basement of my boyfriend's mom's house while I find a place, while the boy is still in Portland for a few more months. (What, living in your boyfriends mom's basement without your boyfriend in the same state isn't completely normal?!?) I started my new job two days ago. I am very impressed with myself as I ride the muni in my little slacks with all the other commuters. But I'm sure they are all completely over the "being a grownup" thing so it is less interesting for them. This morning on the muni train this woman and a man got in a verbal altercation with the driver and we had to wait for the police to come for like 5 minutes. The fight was really stupid, and the problem was solved by them getting on the other train that had caught up behind us. I really couldn't believe that these people were going to let the 250 people or so that were on the train be late for work over such a stupid problem. Then the guy told the muni driver that "This is why you guys get beat up! This is why muni drivers get their heads bashed in!!!" Welcome to the big city, small fry.
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