Dear Diary,
This is the point in the semester where people start getting really melodramatic about the amount of work they have to do. Including myself. "Oh my GOSH, if i stop sleeping and eating, maybe I'll have enough time to get all of this crazy work done! My life is so hard!" My favorite line that some kids use is, "No, you don't understand how much homework I have!" believe it or not people, I do. See, in this place here called college, we all understand what it is like to have a lot of homework.
It is 35 degrees here! I know Alexis has me beat on in Massachusetts where is is no degrees, but I am still quite cold. It makes me think of mittens and hats and polar bears it is so cold.
Boys around here have started a saying about the girls here. I don't know if they made this up or not, but it is about how this school is 60% girls. "The odds are good, but the goods are odd" To whoever made that up, I didn't want to date you anyway.
re: "the odds are good, but the goods are odd"
Diana -
Tell those guys to try harder to be creative. That saying is older than they are.
I heard it a long time ago as a description of the dating scene in Alaska where the men outnumberd the women 10 to 1... where it was the guys that were odd. And I'm sure it was an old joke when I heard it.
They're just complaining because they can't get a date. And you can't go out with them, you've got to study!
Love, Dad
Bill Freeburg is swell
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