can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Dear Diary,
Today was like summer. I was walking back from the library and there were frogs croaking. I couldn't see them because it was night. I wanted to come back with a flashlight and find them. It seems like it would have been hard to find them. I never see them just hanging out in the day, so why would I be able to find them in the dark? Maybe another night.
I worked today for an event where 1,500 people we supposed to come, and only 600 showed up. It was really sad. there were $2,500 worth of cookies there that ended up getting taken home by all the people that helped set up. Like me. If you like cookies i would suggest dropping by c43.
I need a weekend directly following this weekend. This weekend hardly counted as a break.


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