can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Dear Diary,
I am turning into a terrifically organized human being. I think because I have been so busy, I am extra motivated to take care of business. This is a good thing. Because not only does being not busy = being disorganized it also = sad. what good is a rest for if you didn't earn it. it's useless and makes ME feel useless. i hate feeling useless.
I'm really torn. The parentals say I can drive my brother's truck stinky next year if I pay for the insurance. The thing is, the insurance is about $1000. plus 2 semesters of parking passes, which is like $400, and then gas. i have come to realize that a thousand dollars can buy you a whirlwind trip to europe at the end of the year, which sounds quite a bit more appealing than driving a small truck for 8 months. My fifteen year old self would be yelling at my nineteen year old self, "get the car, stupid! cars are cooler than anything ever!! what about your freedom!?" The thing is, being a state away from my parents gives me quite a bit of freedom. so much freedom that i don't think i need a car. I have a bike, and.... feet. I'm afraid I am growing up. becoming more practical. wiser even. Also, if i had a car, it wouldn't make sense to ride the train and i like riding the train.


At 6:54 PM, Blogger Kevin Seda-Kane said...

This is Kevin K singing praise to all west seattle girls non-stop. Just look for inspiration from your big sis; get a boyfriend with a truck.


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