can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Dear Diary,
Today a group of campers corners me after dinner with a picture of nicole richie torn out of a magazine. they were like "shamu you look exactly like her!! see!!" in the picture she was bent over with her mouth wide open all ridiculous and wearing huge sunglasses. i didn't see the resemblance but they were all really excited about it. kids say the darndest things. and the dumbest things.. they say a lot of dumb stuff too.
I've worn carhartts for about two full days in a row now and i'm forgetting that i'm a girl. this can't be good.


At 1:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


It's Ryan, Regina's friend, I thought I would stop in and say hello and waste some time at work. While at the Gym today as I was nearing my 2.5 mile mark and realized I hadn't read your blog in FOREVER! So I took a few minutes to catch up with the goings on of my homework buddy and it sounds like you are having an exciting summer.
Guess what I'm a non-smoker now! and a runner! What do you think of that?
I was at a bar in West Seattle called the Corner Pocket a while back for Regi's birthday party and I heard from two sources that you can do the Harlem Shake quite well, can you do the C-Walk?
I hope you are having a wonderful summer!
Oh yeah maybe you should try the spray on suntan lotion, it won't explode and it is easy to apply.


At 12:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sweet Jesus. Carharts! Diana! Everything you worked for, all those hours of watching Sex in the City DVDs, the trips to New York, London...And now Carharts! Are you a DIY, Punk As Fuck (PAF), Pacific NorthWest Kid (PNWK)? What happened to the love of glamour? The lip gloss? The rampant consumerism?

Next thing you know you'll be taking down the Coach purse link and replacing it with a link to wind power. Wind power this: I fart in your general direction.

What the hell happened?

At 1:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

quick question: do you have a signature that always writes "Love, Diana" at the end, or do you handtype it every time?
If it's #2, that's willpower.

At 10:55 PM, Blogger Diana said...

i always write "love diana". having a set signature is no fun. but writing the world with LOVE every day IS fun.


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