can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Monday, August 01, 2005

Dear Diary,
Whenever i come home from camp i just can't help but think, we are so darn civilized here it kills me. look, real hand towels in the bathroom. clean dishes that match in the cupboards. shoes that aren't dusty. purses that don't have exploded sunscreen in the bottom. i swear i am about to give up on the whole institution of sunscreen all together. not worth it, too risky.
The other day I was eating dinner with the resident british guy at camp at the staff table. I noticed that he was wearing a rubber wristband that said, "july 16 2005".... in an effort to make conversation I queried to whether that was the day of the london bombings. My sense of time is all messed up here, but regardless, he was like, "no that's when the new harry potter came out. " whups. We were both a little awkward after that. i didn't know who felt like the bigger jerk.
I get to be at work in 8 hours!! forget to get this "day off" crap camp sealth, west seattle needs me.


At 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

should be july 10 for make poverty history day - tell him the truth about the white bracelet! one campaign - i know you have one i gave you one.

miss you from the land of scots - and currently actually every other country in the world. cheers mate. sis

At 10:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and there's a great mnemonic device for the first london bombing.
"think the number 7... then put another 7 behind it."
terrorists like symbols.


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