can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Friday, August 05, 2005

Dear Diary,
Why did i stay up till two AM last night and then get up at seven.... I want to be a grownup who can handle five hours of sleep but in truth i am a weenie/baby who can't take it. now shamu is grumpy. well that's not excactly true, it is hard to stay grumpy here. but i am having a more challenging day. but enough bitching. I have five campers this session because they accidentily gave me two 6th graders that we had to get rid of. so my job is easy with a capital E Z. They even like each other and are mature and everything. not crazies like the last cabin but that's okay.
One of my campers from last session sent me a package!! It was really nice. I got a J14 magazine (my new favorite because of the sweet posters) and she sent me a tape refill (?) and some liptons tea (another ?) i also got a bag of chips and a bunch of orange starburst. I really enjoyed how random her assortment was.. there is nothing i like better than a twelve year old with a sense of humor. she also sent me a picture of her and some elk. anyway, back to the salt mines for now.


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