can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Dear Diary,
I'm just listening to ace of base and remembering when life used to be simple. Fifth grade, walks to taco time after school with my friends. I'm fairly confident that i was just about the happiest kid in america. But then you grow up, and have to have awkward conversations with your roommates about them leaving their clothes on the bathroom floor OR WORSE. Life will never be the same as those ace of base days, but perhaps i am just seeing the past with rose tinted glasses or whatever they say. Man, i'm feeling deep today.
I think i need a job that involves blogging because that is the only thing i can bring myself to do on a regular basis. That and eating. eating and blogging, meet diana.
Over the summer i learned that i am in fact fantastic, and then i come here and i forget that. Why is making solid relationships in college so draining/impossible? I think too hard and don't cut myself enough slack. Is "letting things happen naturally" plausible? What if nothing is happening? then what?


At 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You could do worse than a career of blogging. You're good at it.
Love, Dad


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