Dear Diary,
Another Seattle weekend coming to a close. Let's go over some higlights really quick.
I went ice skating with my mom. It's harder and colder than rollerskating, which i am quite good at. And if you were to fall, (which I didn't) your whole side is covered in fluffy ice pieces. The pressure to not fall is tremendous. When I'm rich and famous, I'm going to build my own rollerskating rink, and have rollerskates in ten colors. It will be the only thoughtfully decorated roller rink in the country. Everyone's going to want to be friends with me, cause I've got my own roller rink. I'll have crazy new years eve parties there every year and P Diddy will come.Saw "Pride and Prejudice", was thrilled to see that the amazingly hot protagonist, Keira Knigtley, has no chest to speak of.I inherited a ceramic baby deer with a blue butterfly perched on it's heiny from my Grandma. It's lovely.Drove Dad's Porsche. Revved it up a little extra for him.Love,
I think you forgot to mention a whole day of fun with camp people...I'm a little offended
Diana !
I'm glad you drove your Dad's Porsche, but alas, no mention of bonding with your Mom's new white car? Hmmmm... come on we need DETAILS........
Aunt Pat
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