can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Dear Diary,
Several notable things have happened in the last couple days. I took the greyhound for the first time on the westcoast. (I took it last spring to Worchester MA from NYC, it was kind of like... being in hell?) While i was at the station in portland, first the blasted candy machine stole my dollar, and then i gave 6 bucks to this dude who was freaking out. He had a whole bunch of money fanned out in his hands and he was walking around saying desperately, "i just need 6 more bucks to get home, 6 more bucks to get home, can you help me please?!" he ended up on my bus and once he got on he didn't even say hi to me. It made me mad, I wanted to be like HEY BUDDY, if it wasn't for ME you wouldn't even be ON this BUS so you could at least say HI! turns out i'm not so selfless after all. a selfless person wouldn't have been bothered by the fact that there was absolutely no sense of gratitude. I'm not only selfish, I'm also going to hell. The girl in front of me on the bus happened to be writing a letter on her laptop. so i sneakily took a glance at it, curiosity killed the cat, right? then i realized she was writing an extremely long letter to GOd. and when i realized how intensely personal it was, I KEPT reading, because it was really juicy. and now i'm writing about it on the internet.
My grandma's in heaven, right, because she's Catholic. Not to mention an excellent Catholic. and I bet they have internet access in heaven. I bet she still reads my website, because she did when she was alive, and she is thinking, that girl did not learn that type of sneaky behavior from me! i'm sorry grandma.
My brother and I went to a cocktail party tonight, full of Macalester grads and Americorps volunteers. People even wore ties and dresses. 3 different girls complimented me on my pants. I introduced myself to people three separate times. the first time the person said, "I'm sorry, did you say Dana? the second time the person was like "Diane?" and then after i introduced myself for the 3rd time, the girl said, "Did you say Shannon?" My brother wants to know why I'm shy at these parties, could it be because no one even listens to me say my name? Is it my fault? this happens a lot...
One particular lad who was not wearing a tie, who on more than one occasion apologized profusely for his boisterous attitude, got extra hammered and started yelling at the top of his lungs, "are there any Cougs in the house? ANY COUGS? it was embarassing for all parties involved. He was definitely the only coug in a room of mostly liberal arts grads, and not doing much to improve their overall image.


At 6:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah shmu with my Catholic sensabilities I don't think we can be friends anymore. Honestly, what would Jesus think. H-E double hockey sticks is definitely where you are headed. Just kidding. I love you! You know that if you were going to Hell I would definitely be there too:)

At 3:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sooo...cougs? To wit?

Bust Oct/Nov 2005
Page 70: Eye of the Cougar We get the scoop on older women who prefer young tail between their legs. By Molly Simms

Cougar: A guide for older women

At 5:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Diana,
I haven't kept up on your blog, but what I do read is so great !
Keep it up. The days will get better, I promise.
I fell asleep last night at 8:30 so I was up at 2:30 making espresso and eating macaroons - yikes ! I went to some bazarrs yesterday but they weren't very good. Uncle Tom took Grandpa to a bank to get some forms signed & all I could think of was: he left Snohomish, drove to the nursing home, then took him to the bank in Fred Meyer, then stood in line cause it was a Saturday, then could only get one of the two forms he needed completed, and it probably took him over 2 hrs, just for one errand that should have taken a lot less time....

I'm sorry you feel like you got kicked with a soccer cleat. LIfe it like that. On days like that we just need to keep hunting for the lemonade recipe.......

I'm glad your Mom got a car before she had to go to Yakima. She really needed it. You can bond with it when you go home next weekend. Has it been named yet?

I'm not worried that you are not selfless. You are chronoligically correct in your development. Just keep talking (writing)- you're so smart - life will make more and more sense....... Yes writing stories IS easy. Lots of life is easier/simpler than we make it. It the US that make it difficult/complicated. Your Dad & I used to talk about that sometimes in reference to life and the stock market. When I didn't THINK about it so much and just traded - I did well. When I started over-analyzing/ asking how this could be so easy, my trading went awry.

Yes Grandma is in heaven reading your blogs, as is your Dad. (yes they let others in, not just Catholics) You will go there too; you are NOT going to hell.

Oh, I'm gonna tell you now why those people couldn't remember your name: they were looking at your twinkly eyes and your beautiful hair. Then they had a brain fart, walking away thinking to themselves, "darnit, I have no idea what her name was and I know she just told me, I feel so stupid. I'm NOT going to ask her, which would expose my stupidity not only to her but others here that may overhear me."

See you in less than a week kid. I can't wait.
Ya I miss your Dad too, like a WHOLE bunch.

Sending a cyber hug; poor substitute I know...
I love you,
Aunt Pat


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