can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Dear Diary,
registration for classes at this campus is different now than it used to be. I'm sure in the pre-computer days, it involved standing in lines in crowded rooms and shrieking at the registrars minions. high stress. But I don't know how much has changed. Now it means all of the sophmores last names F-L rush to their computers at 7:40 on the designated day and desperately try to log into web advisor, instead shrieking at the screen, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN "maximum number of sessions reached!??!" if i don't get into statistics I'll DIE!! And you get to see the available spots in your classes disappear on the screen, one by one, while you sit there unable to log in. it's terrible.
if me and math have been having a war this semester, I think math just won. i wave my little tattered white flag.


At 10:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i havent had internet at my house and i am sorry to say that i kinda forgot about your website, but now i am visiting it again finally and i am sad to see that there is no photo gallery. why not?--leah


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