Dear Diary,
I had two ephiphanies today. it started when i was wearing a really cute girl outfit but i was suffering and uncomfortable in the cold. i couldn't take it. I came back to my room and did put on carhartts, a sweatshirt i've had since freshman year, a beanie, and a puffy vest. this is oregon damnit, no one will judge here. and i'm going to wear carhartts if i want, okay? okay. sometimes being a girl is lame. I'm not saying that generally i excel in the girl department, but come on, do boys ever have to wear ANYTHING uncomfortable? no. they don't. I guess ties are probably slightly uncomfortable. still can a tie even begin to compare to the discomfort of 3 inch spike heels and a strapless bra? no. it can't.
second ephiphany, i was trying to open this jar. and i couldn't open it. but i was all alone. and i was thinking, jesus there is no way that i will be able to open this jar. then i started to feel sorry for myself because there was no one to help me. i was thinking that i felt very alone in the world. just me and a uselessly closed jar. but then it popped open. and i realized me, alone, isn't so pathetic after all.
ties are only uncomfortable if they're too tight.
Which is a purely personal choice.
that was deep diana, i am impressed.
You need a "rubber husband" for those times...
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