Dear Diary,
Another Christmas day... I'm always impressed with how much I like my presents, and this year I was very pleased with the reactions from the ones I gave. My brother gave me an IOU for customized stickers. Terrific! I think I need to work on my PR.
I gave my grandma a swan candy dish I made out of foil. I thought it was terrifically clever because it references a play we all just went to see, "The Voices of Christmas." In the play, one of the characters tells a story about how he made a foil swan candy dish for his grandma when he was about 6. He was really proud of the dish, but horror of horrors, when he gave it to his grandma, she mistook it for wrapping remnants and started to crumple it up. But his story turns out to be heartwarming. His grandma was so mortified by what she did that they spent the whole next day making a new foil swan candy dish, and the bonding that they shared over crafts that day was worth more than any present blah de blah de blah. So when my Grandma opened her gift today, she lifted the magnificent swan out of the bag, and immediately ripped off the tail, because she didn't get that that was the actual present. I was a little wounded, but Grandma and I won't be spending tomorrow making a new swan.
Oh my gawd I'm guffawing and falling off my chair. Good thing I'm the only one home to hear me. You did it again, Diana. Poor Grandma Connie, her blooper forever memoraliazed on a nationally recognized, highly regarded and well read blog. You know she loves you, Baby.
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