Dear Diary,
After a three hour long disatrous attempt at making terra cotta cylinders in ceramics, I stepped out of the art building with clay all over my jeans, arms and face, and got to thinking, so this is what it's like to be artsy. I see the artsy kids all the time, with their big portfolios and paint splattered carhartts, but never in a million did i think that i would be artsy too. It's a good feeling. I hope people were looking at me, thinking "what brilliant creations was that artsy girl making? She's so dirty, it must have been good." What they don't know is, that what i was slaving over resulted in squashed balls of drenched clay that kept getting smaller as they splattered against the wall behind my wheel. But no worries. As long as i keep walking out of the art building with a dreamy look in my eyes and terra cotta all over my clothes, the illusion of my artistic prowess will be maintained.
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