can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Dear Diary,
Another exhilerating weekend flown by too fast. back to the grindstone for me.
I made my best pots ever today. I thought that i was getting really good at throwing, but then i realized that i had just switched to a more forgiving clay. I'm pretty sure i have about 6 wrapped up pieces scattered randomly around the ceramics room that i have forgotten about/abandoned.
#2 and I picked out and then visited our new room for next year tonight. It is currently filled with empty cans of Pabst. The girls were really friendly. Apparently it was quite the party dorm this year. We have a grand tradition to live up to. I am mostly just estatic that there is a suite style bathroom and I will never have to fear walking in on a boy taking care of his business. Call me old fashioned, but I see zero net benefits in a co-ed bathroom situation. Is nothing sacred any more?


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