Dear Diary,
I used to be proud that my website gets 20-30 hits a day. However now I have come to believe that is just my immediate family checking it multiple times. I guess that's okay. I can't expect the whole world to read about my life... I need to start carrying around my commuter cup, it's good for publicity.
Good news. Diana and #2 got into Hartzfeld for next year. Just so you know Hartzfeld is only the most exclusive and wonderful dorm on campus. well i guess that's not true because our first choice was Odell and we didn't get that. BUT, Hartzfeld is only sophmores. So no lame freshmans. only extremely mature sophmores such as myself and #2.
I have a lot of ceramics to do this weekend so I need to rest up. Monday is the last day to fire anything that is still wet. This is a problem because I am not at the level of finesse on the wheel that I expected to be at this point.
Hey there-
I read your blog. And I miss experiencing your uncanny wit and wisdom in person. But this will have to do for now.
Salutations - I read your blog, too. It takes me back. Debater cadence is uniquely collegiate. It also makes me think of you and your sister as bi-costal twinstars. Only right now, you're bi-continental twin stars, and Emily is not avaiable to tell me what color to dye my hair.
Colleen, College Friend of Emily
i really like the idea of being a bi-coastal twin star. debater cadence is uniquely obnoxious in my opinion! consider dying your hair carefully. Britney Spears (yes, the pregnant one?!) dyed her hair too much and now she wears extensions, as does Christina Aguliera. SO- make sure you are SURE before doing anything drastic! (i like the dark browns that are sort of red these days, as long as you're not too pasty)
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