can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Monday, June 27, 2005

Dear Diary,
So all these kids showed up. now the counselors mourn for their lost freedom. But so far, so good. It's harder to keep them entertained than i expected. I think once they get to know each other it will be eaiser. two of the girls in my cabin are friends from renton, and they are teaching us all of these ghetto fabulous stomp routines. i think that it might be the most important thing that i learn all summer. sometimes i don't understand these kids though. I don't always know how to respond to everything they tell me. for instance, when they were unpacking right after they got here, one girl was like, "shamu, i feel like we've been here for so long! i feel like it's time to leave!" i was just like, "cool....?" and then this morning when we were making candles, this one girl kept putting her fingers in the wax and i kept taking her gross little hand molds away from her, because everyone knows that finger molds are against the rules. finally, i heard her tell the other girls, "I HATE HER!! SHAMU IS SO MEAN" my feelings were slightly wounded until afterwards she was like, "shamu i made this candle special for you." where do i go with that? she's a fickle one. They haven't started unconditionally worshipping me yet, so there is still progress to be made. if anyone has ideas for keeping seventh graders entertained, feel free to comment.


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