can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Monday, June 20, 2005

Dear Diary,
My website fodder needs to improve dramatically if i am going to sustain my readership. last weeks site meter report was disappointing to say the least. i think it's because i am using all of my creative energy impressing all of my new best friends and i just have nothing left for the website. add that to the pressure of using a computer where someone is always breathing down my throat to hurry up and of course the writing won't be as quality.
today all the other camp counselors played fun yak soccer and i sat on the beach and painted my nails... I'm saving my fun yak soccer energy for the campers. or it could be argued that i'm missing out on a good opportunity to practice a new thing that i will definitely need later but i don't want to look at it that way.
so far i haven't laughed so hard that i almost pee my pants, i hope that doesn't mean that the summer isn't going to go well. I don't necessarily like meeting all of these new people, because i feel like i am always making an ass out of myself.


At 9:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

diana. make sure you don't seclude yourself at camp and make lots of friends!!! i hope you are having a great time and keep your head up. i miss you and love you alot! sbh

At 6:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my dearest diana!
i've been thinking, how am i to send you packages full of goodies and ideas/plans for the decor of our room if i don't have an address to send them to?
sarah #2


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