Dear Diary,
These have been the longest three days of my life. I feel like i'm getting sick and heat stroke and all sorts of exhaustion. it's weird, because it's not like i run around all day long, but being in charge is DRAINING!! but being in charge is also the most awesome thing ever. i didn't realize how much these girls automatically respect me. for instance, yesterday in the "star lab", these girls were being all obnoxious when the naturalist was talking, and in my meanest voice possible, i was like, "you guys need to be quiet! NOW!" it seems small, but the fact that they actually listened to me was completely miraculous. This is generally where people start to develop egos and power trips, but that will not happen to me. i will be loved and feared and it will be amazing.
These girls are pretty great for the most part, and i feel like i'm a complete expert in what it's like to be a middle schooler, hopefully they will gain something from my insights. i keep trying to place myself in their group as one of their peers, like "i would totally be annoyed with her, and me and her would be best friends by now..."
so far the suckiest thing about being a counselor is having to carry the cooler on overnights.
ps. if you are my parents and you haven't sent me so much as a post card yet perhaps you have forgotten what protocol is for having a kid at camp. i might not be in the same kid "role" but i am still your kid!
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