Dear Diary,
some things never get old. like watching the children do the tippy-canoe test (self explanitory, kids tip canoe into frigid waters, attempt to paddle it in to shore full of water. staff giggle uncontrollably.) some things definitely get old. like kids who can't control a horse and horses that are stubborn. nothing worse than a stubborn horse, especially when you are a staff member trying to exhibit flawless horsemanship to the young ones. yesterday i convinced my whole cabin that horses are my passion. i think i've got them fooled until they start asking questions. but it's not really a lie, at least this week it's not. I LOVE horses. i just know nothing about them.
heres a joke for you all in internet land, (it is better with my deadpan delivery but just pretend) What do you get when you cross and elelphant and a rhino? .......................... ell if i know!
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