Dear Diary,
Last night i was lying awake in bed. I couldn't sleep. But then I figured out why. It was because it was the day that our grades came out for first semester, and I hadn't checked them yet. Once I got that taken care of, I could sleep easy. Apparently i did really well on my Spanish final, and really bad on my international affairs final. I figure that they balance themselves out. And good news everyone! my gpa is more than good enough to keep my meager scholarship money. phew.
Speaking of Spanish, (a pun! sort of.) at work today Conrado came in for to get coffee, and we actually had a real conversation in Spanish. It was so exciting. He is a real Mexican and everything. I must have formed at least three sentences. fantastico!
We went to church tonight, for the christmas eve service. There was all together too much singing in the congregation. It's pretty painful. Whenever the Unitarians start singing, I can't help but look around and think, "who is actually enjoying this?! be honest!!"
Sometimes I am lonely, but I know I can write on my blog and that gives me purpose. God bless the internet this Christmas.
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