Dear Diary,
I've noticed that the B- is a really popular grade to give out in college. I've decided that it can mean two things. Either, "you're pretty smart but you really didn't try here. I feel bad giving out C's to kids who have never gotten one in their lives, so how about a B-" Or it can mean, "Wow, that's really cute that you tried so hard, but you're still not smart enough to be taking this class." But I only get A's so what would I know about a B-.
Someone at my school decided to wrap all of the trees together with what look like humongus ribbons that are about 3 feet wide. It's sorta weird. I think it has something to do with the 6 girls I saw doing a choreographed dance in the reflecting pool on tuesday. It was quite involved. Drums and splashing all over the place. There were prospective students and their parents all over the place too. Ummm welcome to Lewis and Clark. But there was a storm last night and they all fell down, so someones hard work in harnessing all of the trees is completely ruined. In my humble opinion, there are better things that you could spend your time doing besides tying trees together for the sake of art.
Come to reed's campus this weekend. You'll see real campus art!
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