can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Monday, January 30, 2006

Dear Diary,
I'm all for jumping on bandwagons, for the most part. But one that I just really can't get into is this Vitamin Water phenomenon. My friends and I got cornered in Nordstroms the other day by this very flamboyant man, who tried to sell us on this miracle water that would fix all of our skin problems. He was extrememly knowledgable about how the product worked, but then started talking about osmosis, and them my eyes glazed over a little bit. I think that his talents were really wasted at Nordstroms. He should be entrusted with bigger ticket items than crazy vitamin water. He was like, "Oh you girls don't have any skin problems, and you're so young oh my god!" Then I asked him how old he was- 25. Apparently it's all downhill from here unless I start drinking hella vitamins.


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