can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Dear Diary,
I am trying to find myself a vehicle online. This has been one of my hobbie for about the past five years. When I was 16 I made a powerpoint presentation for my parents about why they should buy me a car. They didn't bite, and here I am. The thing is, I don't really like the looks of anything that I could afford. Seriously, who wants an OLD car? I like the idea of a ten year old Explorer. But then again, then I would be a hypocrite with an SUV. Even worse, an American SUV. I just find it really hard to get excited about some wimpy corolla.
Yesterday at dinner, I was caught off guard by one of my co-workers from this summer. He was in Oregon visiting a friend of his from high school. I suppose that's not that weird, but it's always unexpected, running into people you know in other states. We didn't know each others real names either. Just camp names. Me=Shamu. Him=Soup. How strange.


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