Dear Diary,
I am in New York. I always find myself with time to blog when i am in a place other then my house. like that time that i posted when i was visiting college. see this is totally the same! sis and i spent the day at the UN listening to people talk about the ten year anniversary of the genocide in Rwanda. A girl spoke who's whole family was killed. And the Harlem boys choir sang. that was a special treat if i've ever seen one. And i had a striking realization at the UN today. You know how theres always that one kid in class that always thinks that they need to say something, even if there is nothing to say, and always talks for too long? Well that's how it is in the United Nations with all of those diplomats. Some of them just don't seem like they have any idea how to get anything done, they just want to talk and talk and never get anywhere. irritating! It's an institution that has the ability to be very powerful, I don't think that I am seeing the part where the magic happens.
tomarrow i'm visiting another college. perhaps i'll post again.