can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Dear Diary,
another exhiliarating day. it is super to be in my hometown, my turf, my domain. i am appreciating things that i never thought that i would. like. radio djs that i know. we have a relationship, the t man and i do. and the west seattle bridge. god bless the west seattle bridge.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Dear Diary,
Today I drove! I was in the zone! Driving daddy's porsche just reminded me what a badass i am. I was shifting that thing smooth as butter. most of the time. Today's conclusion is, driving is WAY better than taking the bus. I bet I'm the first person the ever have that thought.
I keep trying to think of things to bring to college from home to make college more enjoyable. So far i have a loofah and a chip clip. loofah equals more suds, equals more fun. chip clip equals less stale pretzels equals good news.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Dear Diary,
today i am home! in my home state of washington! i am going to sleep in my own bed! a beautiful thing about being at home is, i don't have to feel like a dweeb for going to bed at 10:30. but a sad thing is that sarah and i are separated for four days. sarah, if you're reading this out there in kansas, i miss you girl.
i got a labelmaker for my birthday from my parents! so far the only thing i have labeled is the labelmaker. it says "diana's labelmaker" on it, so if you find it you know who to return it to.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Dear Diary,
Who would have guessed that after being cut, grass seeps green ooze all over anyone who decides to fall asleep in it. If only someone would have told me this! I'm learning a lot in college.

Monday, October 04, 2004

look at the badass biker dude who came to see me at college.

Dear Diary,
I have the plague. It's starting in my eyes, i'm just waiting for it to spread to the rest of my body. They are itchy and way bloodshot and it hurts to close them. It's not very cute. I could not sleep because my eyes didn't want to stay closed! since when is that a problem? I have to wear my glasses like an uber dork. I didn't think they were that bad, but my roommate makes me feel self conscious about them, because they are thick. I cannot help it that i have bad vision! some great minds had glasses. Einstein, for example. Benjamin Franklin had glasses.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

This is me in front of my ugly dorm with my very un-ugly new ride. as you can see we are a match made in heaven.

Dear Diary,
Today i watched an Ashlee Simpson video, and had a startling realization. I could do that! I could be Ashlee Simpson. My voice is about the same as hers. I'm about as cute as her! Just give me some voice lessons and an edgy wardrobe, and maybe a big sister who's already famous, and i would be tearing it up! Why her? Why not me?