can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Dear Diary,
the frequent vacation postings are not a good thing. what i am saying is, i´m such a lazy human that if there were any possibility that i could be laying on the beach right now i would not be posting on my website. that means that i am not laying on the beach, which makes me cranky.
yesterday we went to a dinner show where there were African dances and capoeira. Capoeira is the most badass thing I´ve ever seen. lots of flipping and kicking. they had this little kid perform, who was amazing. makes me feel like i´ve been wasting my time all these years.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Dear Diary,
I am in Salvador. I just bought a short dress made out of the brazilian flag. it is pretty cool. everything i have bought so far is pretty cool. a bikini with brazil in rhinestones across the ass, and it came with a second set of extremely scandalous bottoms, that are only to be worn in Brazil where everyone wears scandalous bottoms. I also bought a trucker hat adorned with the faces of a pop group famous only with ten year olds. And the best thing yet is these spandex pants i bought. the material pattern is a black and white comic strip in portuguese. I am going to get home and open my suitcase be stunned. what the hell was i thinking? No use in thinking about that now.
Sea turtles tomorrow, as long as the rain stops.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Dear Diary,
I know it's like, winter here or something, but would it be so damn hard for the clouds to just clear up a bit? maybe about another 10 degrees would be appreciated too. I am in Macae, Brazil, and it's not exactly a tourist destination. Though it is good to see where my brother spent the year. Today we walked to a mall and saw the Da Vinci Code. I would have been very confused if i had not read the book. And I can't believe how they butchered the ending. You can't just do that. The ending in the book was brilliant, but the movie ending was totally mickey mouse.
I am feeling restless. Like I should go running and clear my head, but then I would just get lost and tired. Time for dinner.