can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Friday, February 02, 2007

Dear Diary,
Going online and looking for jobs is terrifying. I have been cruising for summer internships and there is nothing. nothing nothing nothing. No posts that merit more than a halfhearted, "well that would be kinda cool?..." There is a lot of sketchy looking things- "work from home! make a million dollars a day!" and a lot of things I'm not qualified for. I'm not a competitive person. I worry all day long that I won't be able to get a job after college. I like to think that I am interested in everything, but sometimes I worry that maybe that means I am interested in nothing. I don't read the substantial parts of the paper, I fall asleep at museums, i have a lot of books i haven't read. sometimes i don't even think capitalizing words is worth the effort.
in other news, I joined a gym. A British gym! It's called "Fitness First" and the main reason I joined is because they have a sauna and TVs on all the treadmills and you get a sweet backpack with membership. Terribly expensive, but I thought I needed a "3rd place." Is that what they call it? You know, you're supposed to have a home (1st place) and then work or school (2nd place), but then you need a 3rd place to go all the time. Like church, or a bar. For me and a few buddies on my trip, it will be this fitness first establishment. Pretending to work out is one of my favorite activities at school, so why not. I wasn't completely sold on the place until I saw that their spinning classes take place in a room lit with black lights. OMG, so cool. I'll have to remember to wear white on those days.