can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Dear Diary,
Today I am going to try something revolutionary. I am going to do my homework during the day, on a saturday. Has anyone ever heard of something so nuts?!

Friday, October 01, 2004

Dear Diary,
next time i'm walking to class behind someone and i'm breathing their death smoke cloud, i am going to say HEY! STOP IT! and then, i am going to karate chop the cigarette out of their hand.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Dear Diary,
Today I thought of an interesting phenomenon. why does cold food smell different than hot food? it's not like anything about the food changed except for the temperature. But SOMEHOW, the smell of chinese food in the refrigerator makes me want to vomit, but hot, it makes me hungry. Do you know what I mean? Why is that? Any suggestions? I've been thinking a lot deeper about these sorts of things now that i'm in college.
You know what else is fun? How when you really need to do your laundry, including the outfit you are wearing and every other everyday piece of clothing in your wardrobe, you come up with really splashy outfits for the two hours the laundry is going. for example, right now i am wearing a blue tube top and highwater sweatpants.
I'm just glad my floor is all girls.

Dear Diary,
You know whats sad? the day after your birthday. because you're like, "GEEZ, over already?!" No more phone calls, no more presents in the mail... No one cares about me anymore..
Now i have to think of something else to talk about. more later i promise, my loyal readers.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Dear Diary,
Today is a special birthday edition of It is Diana Freeburg's birthday! She is 19! Aren't we all very proud of her? She couldn't concentrate today in class, she was too busy thinking about what she wants really bad for her birthday. Maybe he will be in her mailbox today.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Dear Diary,
Today i saw possibly the most ingenious advertisement in history, and i have to share it with all of you. It was for low-carb pasta, and it showed a delicious looking pasta dish. Then above it it said, "Carbmazing". Like amazing, but "carbmazing"?! Isn't that something!
I did SO good on my spanish test today. ole! 91% and thats just what the computer told me. (the computer is usually stingy with the points, the teacher has to fix it)
And i got tons of mail! I haven't gotten mail all week, then in one day i get a card, a magazine, and two boxes! carbmazing!

Monday, September 27, 2004

Dear Diary,
today 21 people visited my site. this is a record extrodinaire. and according to my site meter map, 7 percent of these people are in the middle east somewhere. amazing! So, i'd just like to give a shoutout to my friend Eliot in Iraq. If that's you, thanks for visiting my site, keep up the good work over there don't get too hot.
here is an important list of new internet slang for all of you to use on AIM:
NBD: no big deal
YAD: you're a dork
HHH: ha ha ha
GOOT: get out of town!
DBALA: don't be a lame-ass
NWD: no way, dude!
DBG: don't be gross
KWIM: know what i mean?
someday these will be as widely recognized as TTYL and BRB if you guys use them in your daily AIM jargon. this is a grassroots campaign, people.

this is not a joke. this was on the wall in the hallway of my dorm. where am i?!?

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Dear Diary,
I have wheels! I am no longer tethered to the campus like a misbehaving dog, i can come and go when i please! Today I went all over the place, down to the lawschool, across campus, through the neighborhood. My new ride is beautiful sunset orangish gold, and handles like a champ. I already have made new friends because of it. Today is a good day.

Dear Diary,
I have just noticed a strange phenomenon. I went to see the movie, "Garden State" and i really didn't like it at all. I was disapointed to say the least. But now i got my paws on the soundtrack, and I can't turn it off! it is so good! How does that work? How can i be so addicted to the music that reminds me of a movie that i didn't even like? Knowing me I will listen to it everyday for 3 weeks and then get so sick of it that I'll never listen to it again.