can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Dear Diary,
I think i need to expand my media domination past just I think i need a tv show or a radio program. I could do interviews, share my own haiku, and rant about bad drivers and reality tv. only important stuff.
So i didn't post yesterday, this is because i was having the worst day possible. not even the one dollar jamba juice could fix it. (it was one dollar jamba juice day! and it was still bad. this seems to be a contradiction in terms...) the day before was so good! i don't know what happened! today has been okay, but not amazing. the premiere of the OC is tonight so this should soon change.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Dear Diary,
today has been a good day. i went swimming! it was fun. i had to take my swimming test for sailing class. then i swam extra, just to be an overachiever. it was a funny day, i was feeling all sorry for myself, you know the whole "my life is soooo hard" thing, and then i talked to my friend on the phone as i was frantically running to class, and i felt a lot better.
sometimes when i'm getting dressed in the morning, i think that i should try to wear something crazy exciting and high fashion. but then i just imagine myself walking to class feeling all cool and then tripping and falling on the ground. now it is one thing to trip and fall on the ground wearing blue jeans and a hoodie and carrying your backpack. whatever, get back up no harm done. but face planting while dressed to the nines is a completely different ball game. all of a sudden your cool exterior is completely ruined. you've scuffed your sexy high heels, your scarf is all tangled all over the place, your retro hat is covered in leaves and you feel like the biggest hoser that ever was. so this goes through my mind every morning when i get dressed.. "what if i tripped and fell while wearing this outfit. would my outfit make that experience even worse?"

Monday, September 05, 2005

Dear Diary,
It has been a weekend full of adventures. after an exhilerating train ride back to seattle, the family and i, plus the sisters boyfriend, went to our cousins cabin near leavenworth. there is no better way for me to forget how old i am than to go on a brief road trip with the fam. I taught them all my favorite camp songs, we played two truths and a lie, and then we did star tripping. i know that i've explained this before but pretty much star tripping involves- go ouside in the dark, find a bright star, spin around really fast while concentrating on this star, have someone shine a flashlight in your eyes, and immediately fall over. My mom was laughing so hard when my dad fell over that i thought she might explode. luckily she didn't.
I don't know how many of you have been to leavenworth, but I just have to tell you what a special town it is. years ago, when it was a lame mountain town that was about to go under, the city decided to make it Bavarian-themed so then it would be a tourist destination. And alas, it worked. even the safeway has its signs written in this bavarian scripture. my dad says the town is zoned within an inch of its life, but thats why i love it so much. it's a bonafide bavarian disneyland, what more could you ask for? I'm considering quitting college and going to apply at the bavarian sweet shoppe or the gingerbread haus. i can't possibly see how life could be anything but amazing there.