can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Dear Diary,
So if you've noticed that my website is lame and lacking lately, it's because for the first time in history, something has come up that is absolutely 100% more important than being funny on the internet. My dad is really sick, guys. He's been in the hospital a long time and we are all very worried. If you want to help us out, try donating blood because he has been using lots of it. You could also make sure that you are an organ donor on your drivers license. I just can't pretend that everything is okay anymore. My family is hurting.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Dear Diary,
Finally my computer is back from the computer hospital. aka IT help desk. It made me so nervous to have it gone! It's not really the same but i love my compaq just the same. I'm just glad it recovered.
It's fall break but i am not feeling very relaxed and ready to party. my brain hurts as does my nose from blowing it so much. it wears on a girl, all this nose blowing.
I drove stinky truck (endearing term for '91 ford ranger with unidentified odor) home from school today, (portland to seattle) and i had to stop and put oil in it because the check oil light came on. you know you're a grownup when you have to make executive decisions like that. "better put oil in the old truck before it blows up" but then you know you're not a grownup when you have to get on you cell phone and cry to whoever in the phonebook looks good about how you can't remember how your dad taught you to check the oil. then you feel stupid because you totally could have done it yourself. but give yourself a break, okay? it's been a rough week.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Dear Diary,
I don't like it when people are crowding me when i am waiting for inspiration on my website.
There's this boy at my school that wears a tail every day. a furry one. sticking out of his pants. I bet he just does it to be blog fodder. Our school newspaper did a profile of him for the style section. After i read it i was not any more convinced that it's a good idea to wear a tail every day. I mean sometimes i like to part my hair on the side or even wear knee socks under my jeans. but a tail? that is taking it too far.
I have so much homework. I shouldn't even be posting. I shouldn't have gone to dinner. no time for eating. only studying. sweet jesus my life is so hard. WAY harder than any of those other college students out there. what was i thinking? intro to psych and perspectives in computer science in the same semester? And trying to maintain a website on top of that!? i must be crazy

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Dear Diary,
It's hard to tell sometimes when you are getting older. But in the last few days that I can feel it in my bones that I'm getting older. Like I know more today than yesterday. The act of growing up isn't as linear as simply letting the days go by, one at a time. You can stay pretty much the same for years and then all at once finally gain some insight into what is going on around you. (amazing revalation freeburg. maybe you should be a minister or something.)
In other news, it turns out i was lying to myself about being a respectable golfer. In nine holes today i had one amazing putt, several decent tee shots... and that's about it. I don't think my coach wants me to dwell on the bad stuff. because thinking ugly thoughts won't get you anywhere but uglyville, right? so lets think of some more positive. I have a great golfing outfit... I really liked all the snacks... I spent some time with a Canadian... and there is absolutely no way i could ever get a score this bad ever again! so things are looking up. right? right.