Dear Diary,
Today was HOT. I thought that I was picking up another girls shift, so I spent all day loafing around waiting to start work, but then I get a call 15 minutes before my shift telling me that in fact I don't have to come in after all. I was excited for the bragging rights of having worked 15 days in a row but since I had today off I don't get that. You'd think I'd be making a lot of money but I'm really not. having 3 hour shifts at two different places in one day puts me at about 60 bucks a day before taxes. yahoo lets buy a boat or something. I could use a get rich quick scheme.
Because of this shift that I was supposed to be at, I was home sitting on the couch watching Reno 911 in my boxer shorts as our landlord walked through the back door with this small bald man. She was there to fix the sliding door, she had talked to sarah on the phone. Sarah said no one would be home, just come in the back door. But I wasn't at work, so I was home. It took us a minute to figure out, pretty awkward. The whole time, Rosco is meowing and running around. Like, ps. landlord- we have a cat. So, I put on pants.