Dear Diary,
I haven't posted since tuesday? that can't be right. What have I been doing with myself? Playing golf and trying to study. And listening to Jason Mraz of course. I went to this improv show last night. It was kinda strange, they took one word from the audience at the beginning of the show, and then just messed around for the rest of the time. The word they took was "lugubrious" They all tried to act out "lugubrious" but I don't think any of them knew what it meant. During the intermission my friend Kate explained what it meant. She said she had just read it in a book and had to look it up. I thought it was a dumb word for them to use. I said, "I've never seen that word in my life. It's an uppity word, I don't like it." Then I came home, and was reading this novel by Margaret Atwood. Lugubrious was right there. On the page I had opened to. I had never seen this word in my life, and now it's haunting me. Small thing to notice, but still.