can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Dear Diary,
I just wasted my day in the worst possible way. I slept in, then went to brunch, then took a nap, then played on my computer without studying for a long time somehow. I talked on the phone some, and waited for dinner because that would be a way to break up the boredom. I somehow MISSED dinner, because i was too busy being bored waiting for dinner. Now I am hungry and dinner is over and it is Saturday night and all I have to do is stupid studying. This is a prime example of how not to spend your day. Now I know.

Dear Diary,
what are you supposed to do at college on the weekends? Apparently you're not supposed to read the newspaper because the "collegiate readership program" stands only have friday's papers. us poor college students are just hung out to dry on the weekends when it comes to current events i guess.
The only activity I've seen advertised for tonight is a "Drag Dance Off" at 8. Although it sounds tempting to dress up like a boy and dance with a bunch of boys dressed up like girls, I'm hoping i can maybe find something else to do, maybe there's a drum circle somewhere. People dig that.

Friday, September 24, 2004

look who came to see me! this is the expression that he made after I told him that cats are better than dogs.

Dear Diary,
My roommate doesn't like me anymore. That makes me sad. I'm glad the rest of you do, you must, because you're visiting my site.
Sarah says I'm too girly. Just because I don't break rules or think gross things are funny doesn't mean I'm a wimp. I'm not saying all girls are wimps. Some aren't.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Dear Diary,
I have my first college visitor visiting me today. (besides my parents they don't count) Estoy muy emocionada! Es mi amigo Ranger! Oh whoops, I slipped into the other language that I happen to speak fluently there for a second. sorry about that.
Tengo que irme a clase!

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Dear Diary,
My international affairs class is helping me to realize that YES, Diana is a brilliant college genius. I sit in the middle of the front row all by myself just to make sure everyone in the class knows that I'm the best student there.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Dear Diary,
Whew! I'm am so relieved! I have finally decided on a major. I'm going to major in history, english, communications, international relations, spanish, anthropology and economics. I'm so glad i've got that figured out. it gets me one step ahead of the pack, being prepared this early.

Dear Diary,
Today I dragged my roommate on the "Tour de Bon" (like the tour de france except it was just of the cafeteria at my school) Like 5 kids showed up. We got to see everything that goes on behind the scenes in the schools food service. This one kid kept asking about the gluten content of stuff and wanted to know the nutrition facts for things like the chocolate cake. he said, "I just want to know if that piece of chocolate cake is a heart attack on a plate" and then he laughed all weird. The guy leading the tour was like, "Well it is chocolate cake... Umm, it's not very good for you..." It was funny. The poor kid just wanted someone to tell him that eating chocolate cake was a necessary part of a balanced diet. And now we all know, thank goodness, that chocolate cake is only okay in moderation.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Dear Diary,
I went to one of my professor's office hours today. I figured why not get my moneys worth. Believe it or not they actually want to talk to you! Now that i have proven to him that i'm a genius with my witty conversation, I can work on other important things like hanging out at my school's secret sauna.

This frog family better hope that Diana doesn't plan on closing her laptop anytime soon!

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Dear Diary,
I just got back from visiting Oregon's lovely coast this weekend. I also want everyone to know that i went spur of the moment without telling my parents. Because I am in college now and I'm my own boss. I went with my roommate and her brother and lots of his friends. it was cold and my shoes are so dirty from trying to hike down a muddy cliff with no trail in the rain. But that was still a fun activity.
Diana is doing okay today. Not super or great, but okay.