Dear Diary,
You know how sometimes you finally get around to buying something, and then it turns out you never need it? Like for instance you buy sunglasses in seattle, and then it rains for the next 26 days straight. Well here's an example of the complete opposite. I finally got a snowboarding helmet a while ago, not thinking that I needed it because I'm not big on jumps and stuff. But then I went snowboarding today, and fell on my head 100+ times. So many times I tumbled town Crystal Mountain. Thinking the same thing every time, in the same Eeyore voice: "Here we go again..." Well that's not completely true. A couple times I was thinking: "Go Diana go! Don't fall here Diana! If you fall in this flat powdery spot you will never get out!" And then of course what happens? I choke. While attempting to stand up in several feet of soft snow I just dig myself a Diana sized hole and get a generous amount down my pants. Then I unclip my snowboard and accept defeat. When this happens, the best part about that is the huge crater that is left over, making it immediately obvious what happened to the casual observer. Snowboarder cuts through an untouched flat mass of powder. Snowboarder falls on face. Snowboarder struggles to get up, thus, big crater. Snowboarder trudges out of powder with great difficulty. falls down again. Finally makes it groomed part of run, where snowboarder should have been all along. I just leave my dignity in the car when I go snowboarding. Makes the whole process eaiser.
Tomorrow, college!