can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Friday, July 29, 2005

Dear Diary,
There are some definite perks to being a wrangler counselor. for instance, after horsey riding, you get to climb over the fence and help the riding staff throw bales of hay at the children. (for them to distribute to the horses of course) sounds mundane, but in practice, highly entertaining. Also, when the kids get homesick, you can be like, "but your horse will MISS you if you go home!" Works pretty well. So now I'm all about being a cowgirl, riding off into the sunset, et cetera.
I'm glad they turned off "the best of celine dion" music videos in the staff lounge. This is my break for christsakes.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Dear Diary,
Whups today I called a girl who looked every bit a boy a "he". She definitely heard me, and then walked off all meloncholy. That's as bad as thinking that someone is pregnant when they aren't. This really tears me up inside, now i feel like a bad person, but seriously. don't get a crew cut and a sock tan if you don't want to be mistaken for a boy.
Today was my first day of riding with the wrangler girls. I wanted to be helpful so bad, but truthfully the kids knew so much more about what was going on than i did. All i could really do to help the riding staff was retrieve saddles from the tack room. annnnnnnnnnd, i felt useless.
I just opened my backpack and realized there is sunscreen covering all of my important camp counselor items. lamejuice. now they are in a big useful lotiony pile surrounding me on the flooor. life doesn't get any better than this.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Dear Diary,
You can guess that things are going fantastically for me when there are big gaps between my posts. this means my life is a whirlwind adventure that doesn't have any time for the silly internet. i suppose that there could be other reasons as well for the intervals, but in this case it was for an honest lack of time. I was just travelling internationally again.... You know how it is, London one day and Vancouver the next. So what if it is only 3 hours away, it's another country and they use kilometers there. I hadn't been to Vancouver since I was 12, it was really fabulous. Canadians are lovely. I could consider becoming one for sure, if the opportunity presented itself. I've actually decided that I would be up for a lot of things in my life when it comes to careers, locations or living situations. I think that it's good to just take whatever opportunities present themselves, but at the same time you really have to search for what you really want for yourself in your life. go out on a limb, you know? I'm always wondering if I'm making the right decisions for myself. I know that for me, right now, my job is absolutely perfect for me. But what about next year? Will I be trying to extend a good thing that should have come to its natural end by taking a second summer at camp? Should I try something new or stick to what is tried and true? The extreme cornyness of this train of thought is killing me. I'm having a corny day, so sue me. Here's my advice for the english speaking world today, love your family, be nice to your friends, and don't freak out about money all the time.