can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Dear Diary,
Today i golfed alone for the first time in history. drove alone, paid alone, golfed alone. no one got to see my amazing putt on the sixth hole... no one got to see me screw up the first two holes really bad. I was feeling really sorry for myself but also like a real golfer. it takes guts to do stuff alone, you know? (like international travel... oh wait i've totally done that too) in the end that's all we get. ourselves. i should write a book. "golfing alone." like a spinnoff on that book "bowling alone" but i think that "bowling alone" is about suburbia or something... "golfing alone" isn't enough though, it needs a semicolon. "golfing alone; a guide to a successful one-woman circus" or "golfing alone; not sub-par" "golfing alone; keep the voices in your head alive" it's getting late and i'm getting loopy.
On hole number 8 this guy came up to me and complimented me, saying that he's never seen someone like me out golfing a la carte before. I think it was a compliment, he seemed impressed. He then tried to convince me to be in a catalog that his company is making. apparently they are shooting on a golf course. he was a marketing guy. never not working, i guess. he gave me a t-shirt of his company. "ice castle" seemed sort of legit? i would have pursued this, just for kicks, but since i don't live in seattle full time i guess i'll just keep the t-shirt and call it a lucky day. golf alone=get free t-shirt

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Dear Diary,
I am a grownup i think. I was invited to someones thirtieth birthday party today. how awesome is that? someone who is 30 likes me enough to invite me to their birthday party! we work together. working is where i always get my most diverse friends...
I want a dog really bad.... If only i didn't live in a dorm. i would get a dog. one whos legs are too short for it's body

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Dear Diary,
My big bertha blisters from the most fantastic irons ever have turned into big bertha throbbing open wounds. but that's okay! it means i'm trying, right? i'm so excited about golf... about being a student athelete... I've always wanted to be a student athelete. But it's giving me nightmares, where i'm at the range hitting the ball really really far, but 10 yards to the right of where i want it to go every single time. oh wait, that was today at practice. patience, grasshopper.
I'm listening to gavin degraw. he's like a slightly edgier john mayer? not saying much about edginess, i know. i don't know where all of these boys with tons of feelings come from. I don't really know any of them. I think they are both singer/songwriters. "i'll forgive you for what you've done, if you say i'm the one?" I thought that it wasn't the male half of our species that had to know that they were "the one" to feel validated. maybe the tides are turning?

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Dear Diary,
octoberfest in the bon tonight! who's excited!? the oom pahs were back again this year. the oom pahs are a three man bavarian band that i'm pretty sure you have to be at least 75 to join. it's the only night of the year that they serve near-beer for dinner. it's everyones chance to be like, "see, i LOVE beer for the TASTE. me getting completely smashed on the weekends is only a side effect of me absolutely loving this refreshing beverage. look at me go, me and my near-beer"
sunny day today. a good day to wear a baseball cap. i was pleased.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Dear Diary,
So here's what's up. I got to go to see santana tonight, and i also got my very own lewis and clark golf baseball cap. two good things in one day! imagine! My only downer is that i didn't think it would be appropriate to wear the hat to the concert, i had never met the guy that took me and i didn't want to look like a golf geek. nothing worse than a golf geek who's not even that good at golf. ps. i'm wearing it right now.
At santana there was definitely a diverse mix of fans. This one woman in the second row kept throwing her purple feather boa at the stage and the bouncers took it away like five times. Shen never gave up though. Then there was this insane hippy who kept taking hits from his flask and dancing madly, and he was sitting next to a man who must have been a hundred years old. I like that there are fun things to do on a monday. monday has a bad rap. it shouldn't.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Dear Diary,
I'm just listening to ace of base and remembering when life used to be simple. Fifth grade, walks to taco time after school with my friends. I'm fairly confident that i was just about the happiest kid in america. But then you grow up, and have to have awkward conversations with your roommates about them leaving their clothes on the bathroom floor OR WORSE. Life will never be the same as those ace of base days, but perhaps i am just seeing the past with rose tinted glasses or whatever they say. Man, i'm feeling deep today.
I think i need a job that involves blogging because that is the only thing i can bring myself to do on a regular basis. That and eating. eating and blogging, meet diana.
Over the summer i learned that i am in fact fantastic, and then i come here and i forget that. Why is making solid relationships in college so draining/impossible? I think too hard and don't cut myself enough slack. Is "letting things happen naturally" plausible? What if nothing is happening? then what?