can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Dear Diary,
I wonder how often the customers at my work can here us when we are making fun of them behind the counter. It is one of our favorite pastimes at Capers. I would say about 10% of the time, they have some idea that they are being talked about. This is a dangerously high percentage. One of these days we are going to get ourselves in trouble for laughing at some guys toupee or making fun of the way someone said foccacia. Lots of good times at Capers, can't you tell?
Lots of people are going to come visit me at college during finals week. good plan huh!? Actually I'm sure it will be fine. There will only be one final left when they come, if all goes according to plan. During finals week there are no classes so there is lots of time for studying and for other things as well, right? besides, flash cards really work better with two people.

Dear Diary,
I have thought of so many things today to post about but I can only remember one so far.
The most amazing thing happenned. I was in the U-district hanging with a bunch of Franklin kids at Andy Bunkers house. His roommates had friends over too. And I saw this girl and in my brain I was thinking, "hey! doesn't a girl who has that same hair and that same signature outfit go to Lewis and Clark?!" and so I said, "Hey! do you go to college here?" (meaning U-dub) and she says, like it's the crazyiest thing I'm ever going to hear, and I'm not going to believe it, "No, I go to Lewis and Clark... It's in Portland..." And i said, "No way! Me too! I recognized your outfit." In hindsight, probably sort of an awkward thing to say. How do you respond to that? "Umm yeah... I wear this combination of clothes or similar combinations of clothes frequently, that's why you probably recognized me a whole 300 miles away from where you saw me last" small world.
On the show Friends today, Chandler ran into that woman that he used to date who is really obnoxious, and she was like "oh what a small world!" and Chandler responded with, "not really, I haven't been able to run into Beyonce lately" I thought that was funny. Why haven't I run into any one famous? Like an Olsen twin or something? I wouldn't even mind a lame celebrity like Nick Lachey's brother. Either I'm in the wrong neignborhood or I need to cut down on my watching of "E true hollywood story" and "The fabulous life of Oprah Winfrey"

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Dear Diary,
Why does Seattle make my nose run? Every time I am here it is like I need to hook a kleenex box to my belt.
I hope all of my loyal public has noticed that they all can now leave comments on my posts. For the whole world to read. My website is expanding by leaps and bounds, it's really phenomenal. What's next? Animation? Music? It is clear by now that anything is possible.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Dear Diary,
I am torn. I love Seattle, and I love Portland. I can't really tell you why either is better than the other.
Today on the train the guy next to me told me that he loves coming to the west coast because people value creativity more here. I have heard a lot of theories about east coast west coast differences, but not that one. He is a glassblower so maybe that is specific to his niche. I wonder how he would feel if he knew that I was writing about him on the internet. And I don't even know his name. gee the world is funny isn't it?
In my inventing america class today, we watched a movie, and the teacher passed around candy and made us popcorn. That's what I like to see. This isn't any old associate professor either. This is an adjunct professor in the humanities who has published a book on TS Eliot or something. No matter how hard she tries, our class cannot seem to delve too deeply into any of the material. Maybe this is her sign of giving up.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Dear Diary,
Today the lunchroom was almost empty because everyone donated their mealplans to Darfur. I was a little skeptical of how our mealplans would end up in Darfur so I didn't end up donating any meals. So everyone who did show up to the Bon got to feel guilty eating lunch and dinner today. It was like, "look around, kids, these are the students with no compassion for the starving population of Sudan"
The campus is so dead already, and we still have classes tomarrow. In my humble opinion, there shouldn't be school tomarrow because everyone is obviously going home already. The students don't like having school on wednesday, and seriously, who's paying who here?
Sarah is down the hall shrieking at a basketball game on television. She's practically perfect, except for that minor personality flaw. That's what I generally like about girls, that they don't shriek at sports games on TV.

To my loyal family readership, see you thursday!

Monday, November 22, 2004

Dear Diary,
Me and the Sarahs have special code names now. Sarah #1 is Trisarahtops, I'm the Dianasaur aka Dianasaurus Rex, and Sarah #2 is Sarahdactyl. I think some people on our floor are jealous, but it's not my fault that there's no dinosaur that goes with Mary or Ali or Brynn. I'm still thinking about it. I think theres an Allosaurus or something, but that's not mainstream enough for people to understand it. Sorry Ali. It's not my fault.
Since we made the first stall in the bathroom into the political outrage stall, I feel like it has been being used much more. This is good, but also seems like it could be bad for sanitation purposes. so the other stalls must be made equally cool so they will be used equally. I'm still brainstorming here.
I don't think my professors said anything important in class today. I don't know, I wasn't listening.
just kidding mom! college is totally worth every penny!