can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Dear Diary,
I just have one thing to say to those individuals who decide to tell me that my website is lame. No one made you read it! You are the dork who is reading about my life voluntarily! Find something else to complain about that isn't my only hobby.
I witnessed the most horrifying spectacle at Nordstroms today. It was sort of crowded, and this little old asian woman was looking at mens pants (it was probably her little old asian husbands 68th birthday or something) There was this guy standing next to her, and she must have gotten too close or something, because he was like "EXCUSE ME! I was looking at these!!" She looks at him with this scared look on her face, and then the guy is like "Haven't you ever heard of MANNERS??!!!" Sarah #2 and i couldn't believe it. I think everyone in the store knew who hadn't heard of manners. I should have punched him or something. Taught him a lesson. How can people be so mean?
Last night i had the most fun possible in a restaraunt. #2 and I went to "Sushi go round" where you sit a table, and all the food comes by on a conveyor belt that snakes around the entire room. The plates are really little and color coded, each color is a different price. The most expensive one is like 3 dollars. You eat one little plate, then get another, then get another, and since you only get one at time, it is sort of impossible to order too much. It's a brilliant idea. It's faster than fast food, but it's not fast food.... amazing.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Dear Diary,
My school probably has five miles of red curbs that say "fire lane" on them. Is this really necessary? It's remarkable, how small the school is and how much we have accomodated firetrucks. I would think that a dorm doesn't need to be completely surrounded by fire lane, maybe just 50% fire lane. Except for Copeland. We manage to set off the fire alarms all the time. But only when it's cold and nighttime and we have finals or midterms the next dayof course.
It's prospective student weekend. Brings up hellish memories from last year. Why did I decide on a school where I had such an awful time visiting? It was terrible. The best part was the train ride. I made a friend on the train. But at school, everyone had all these friends except for me, and I didn't like the classes i visited. I also feel like my host really didn't like me. I was so bored. Things have turned out better than that though now that i'm here for real.
My friend from down the hall just told me that I was industrious, because I was baking cookies from a tube in our kitchen. She says industrious, but wouldn't an industrious person be doing their homework and not baking themselves cookies from a tube that they have no intention of sharing?

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Dear Diary,
I have come to a startling realization. I only have 15 hours of class a week. only 15! in a whole week! i don't even have a commute! this means that i can never complain about not having enough time for something ever again. If I have anything, i have time. Granted, I have homework and stuff, but even after all that there is still hours to fill. I don't think that at any other point in my life, besides retirement, will I have this much free time. Free mornings, free weekends... good thing i have this incredible website to keep me occupied.
The roommate is gone. I am lonely already. Her absence makes the time voids feel especially cavernous. No one stealing my clean towels, no one to torture me with radiohead. I'm really good at feeling lonely.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Dear Diary,
I need to limit myself to one WB show per night. 2 hours just isn't healthy for anyone who wants their brain to function afterwards. Look at me. After all that, I don't even trust myself to take Oregon's food handler's course online. it only takes an hour but i have been avoiding it for days. They won't give me any shifts in catering until i take this course. but I know it will be boring as HECK. i can't torture myself like that. I've already been certified in Washington twice. Why do i need to get certified in Oregon too? they're pretty much the same. except one has a peninsula.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Dear Diary,
Guess what. My eye ulcers are going to prevent me from wearing contacts for at least a month. This is so exciting and fun, I can hardly contain myself. But I've figured out how to make the best of a crappy situation. Sometimes, for fun, I take off my glasses and try to walk to class without getting hit by a car. This is especially scary at night. I can see that without modern medicine, my blind family would have been weeded out of the gene pool long ago. we would have been eaten by bears that we thought were trees to rest under. has her first piece of official merchandise. I got this commuter cup that you can customize with whatever you want from my lovely manager regi, and so i printed off a nice repeating logo for my website that i designed, and slid it under the plastic. it looks amazing. professional.
It is 11 pm here. Sarah is on her computer complaining that google still has it's valentines day decorations on. She just said in this really haughty voice to her computer, "Google! it's not valentines day in Kansas anymore! Why don't you just, GO AWAY!" I like how sarah is always trying to bring it back to what is important. Kansas. And the decorations on Google.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Dear Diary,
Wearing eternally crooked glasses is no way to live. I can tell that mine are crooked because whenever i smile only one cheek hits the rim. Is there anything more annoying in the world than wearing glasses? the answer is yes. having eye ulcers. you probably didn't know you could get ulcers in your eyes, did you? well you can. I would know. The eye doctor was very impressed that i managed to get them in both my eyes. I am under the impression that getting them in both eyes is like breaking both of your legs on the same day on two separate occasions. remarkable. That's how i do things, what can i say.