Dear Diary,
Even at my relatively tame cafe workplace I have learned over the years not to be fazed by people who are completely insane. I can't imagine what it would be like to work at a wendys in the bad part of downtown where no one who comes in is in there right mind. But today it was pretty funny, this older guy came in who just sat down at a table, and as i was bussing other tables he was like "come on! take my order I can't walk" (even though he obviously walked there..) I told him that I would come by as soon as the line died down, but he was like, "No! I know what i want already! Bring me a bowl of chowder, and a hunk of salmon!" apparently he was just used to waltzing into restaraunts and demanding hunks of salmon and chowder. we settled him down with a turkey sandwich. He seemed okay with that. Sometimes the crazy people are the most satisfying to help, because they are the most grateful when someone actually makes an effort to accomodate their crazyness. I'm not talking about the demandingly picky women who want their every whim satisfied, but people who are actually a little bit nuts.
Today i spent 20 bucks on sunless tanner and intouch magazine. what is happenning to me.